By Parth Agarwal
4 mins
The story of us !!! — Is the human race losing the big picture? We started as hunters and gatherers… We built an agricultural economy and then an industrial economy. We didn’t stop and keep working for a better future. We witnessed the information age and AI revolution is at our doorstep knocking to get in. However, as humanity is our happiness and fulfillment levels increasing ?
I am not sure about your answer but if you ask me on the basis of statistics, it’s clear – a big NO !!!. We built this huge structure but for what purpose ? That was meant to make our life convenient but ended up creating a structure which we spend most of our time satisfying. These structures which were meant to be serving us, ended up ruling us. You don’t believe me. Let’s take the example of one of the biggest structures created — MONEY.
You produce food and I produce utensils. You need utensils and I need vegetables. What’s the obvious next action step ? We barter. (you are smart enough). We developed the concept of money so that we could barter on scale. The biggest advantage of this is we can delegate the activities that we don’t do the best to others and focus on what we do best.
However, this structure has become so huge and unmanageable that we have lost track of the purpose that we initially built it for. We are now slaves to the very structure that we built for our convenience. Can you see the irony !!!
Most adults spend a big chunk of their time pursuing money. The most shocking thing is that nobody is asking this question. It’s believed as a universal truth. However, I just never understood this concept. Why should I work hard to become something I really don’t want to become?
Is this the only way ? I guess not… So, how can we make a change in our life… The answer is simple - spend time doing what matters to you most. For doing what matters to you most, should you not be knowing what you should be doing !!! Now, the million dollar question - How to find something that really matters to you ? ..
To be honest, it’s tough and requires persistence. There could be a lot of ways but this has been the most effective for me. At the start of every 3 months, choose your one thing. Your one thing is that one project which can be completed within the next 3 months and matters to you most. For the first project, preferably choose a personal project. Then, for the next 3 months, spend the first 30 min of your work day working on that project.
Or better join and wake up at 5am and spend the brahma-muhurat on the thing that matters to you most. is a community of crazy people who meet everyday at 5:00 am.
A period of 3 months is ideal enough to identify whether this thing is for you or not… And, repeating this 3 month cycle periodically will help you build a practice that doing this again and again you build a practice that you really love and start doing the stuff that matters to you the most… It’s not a one day or one month or one year process. It can take you years. However, if you stick to it, you will receive a gift that so few people in the world are eligible enough to receive.