October 12, 2023

Transforming Lives: The Power of Discipline and Fines at 5amclub.co.in


By Parth Agarwal

4 mins


"For you, a thousand times over." ~ The Kite Runner

Main Message:

If it comes to developing myself, I am ready to pay as much as I can....

Subpoint 1:

I also thought as similarly like you... @Radhika

After my class 12th, during my holidays,

"Can I be given relief in fine, Kirteeraj ?" ~ me

"Fines are non-negotiable, Parth." ~ Kirteeraj

I was in my drawing room at that time and probably a bit angry at Kirteeraj and 5amclub...but still paid the fine anyway....

And, I have paid multiple fines, multiple times...

Btw, I am a student and unemployed so you can predict !!!!

I kept paying fine.... I ask myself --- why again and again I pay fine? Why I just don't leave ??

The answer is simple.... The fine ensures that a high stake environment is maintained...

You talk about fever @Radhika... I have many nights without sleep just to ensure I am awake at 5 am.. I have nights where I had unbearable stomach aches but still joined just because of the fine...

I am super grateful to Kirteeraj and Pranav for creating such a high stake environment which enables me to wake up early...

Subpoint 2:

What is the cost of not doing it?

On the last Sunday in the afternoon,

"You should be mad for paying Rs. 500 fine." ~ my friend..

My answer, "I am super mad."

In my class 10th before my pre-board chemistry paper, I was in my blanket, shivering because of a minor anxiety attack.

I was frustrated with these sometimes small and big bursts of anxiety going through my body every now and then and torturing me for hours...

It was simple for me.... It cost me hours of pain and then on top of that guilt that was unbearable...

It was simple for me..

Not giving fines would have costed me my happiness... And, Rs. 1000 fine is even less of a cost...

And, I have no interest in sharing my pains with others.. I have not talked about them openly before and wouldn't want to discuss it further... It's just referenced to make my point..

Subpoint 3:

How it changed my life !!!

If you understand habit, it's actions done without thinking... You don't require conscious efforts to do it and that's the leverage it provides..

And, waking up at 5 am works as one of the best anchor habits... An anchor Habit is something which helps you develop more habits...

My morning routine consists of

  • Journalling
  • Meditation
  • Exercise
  • Time blocking

I was able to develop these habits just because of waking up at 5 am...

And, a student who was unsure whether he will even be able to live a normal life did,

  • Organised more than 10 events in college
  • Did freelance projects for people with net worth in 100's of crore
  • Earned more than Rs. 40,000 in the past 3 years while doing college
  • More than anything, seriously improved on my anxiety levels..

My achievements might be small for you adults.. However, big or small, they mean the world to me... And, I can definitely say that 60% of it is because of waking up at 5 am and indirectly 5amclub.co.in (for helping me wake up at 5 am)..

I don't intend to offend somebody.. I just put forth my views on fines as others did..

Please don't remove fines or even consider changing it @5amclub.co.in @Pranav Patil


"For you, a thousand times over." ~ The Kite Runner